Our story

All Crystal Current products are hand-built with our exclusive technology. By aligning a current of magnetic hematite with quartz crystals, we create an electro-magnetic field around your body that initiates a body, mind, and soul transformation.


The electro-magnetic universe.


“Electricity is everywhere, even in the human body. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain, making it possible for us to move, think and feel.” - Amber Plante, University of Maryland


As above.

Electricity can be found anywhere there is plasma, and 99.999% of the visible universe is in a plasma state. Plasma is not a solid, liquid, or a gas, but is in a state of free flowing ions. The earth’s iron core creates the currents of electricity which in turn creates the magnetic field. It is this electromagnetic field that deflects ionizing radiation from space.

so below.

Our bodies are controlled by electrical signals, charged cellular ions allows information to travel through the body’s cells. This flow of electrons is called electricity. Disruption in electrical currents can lead to health issues. Our very survival depends on electricity i.e. the heart. Increasing the electrical current in our bodies causes our electromagnetic field to grow in strength, enabling a better deflector of ionizing radiation from EMF’s including radio waves and 5G.

Crystal Current energy tools allow the balancing of the body’s bioelectricity. The specific crystals or amplifiers allow the currents or ions to flow intelligently to the tissues.


All therapeutic techniques may be understood as reversals of state of ‘polarization’ in a three-dimensional, crystalline network. The human mind-body, considered as an oscillating flexible crystal, may be ‘poked’ in many ways, at many points to change its mode of oscillation, to affect the quantitative ‘deconditioning’, by inducing realignment and reversals within the total structure.
— Dwight Bulkley, Physicist

Perception of pain, muscle contractions, nerve functions, brain activity and healing and regeneration are all driven by electricity. Injury or illness causes a disruption or break in this energy current. Crystal Current is a bridge to return the body to homeostasis, allowing the body’s natural healing process to begin. COI or Current of Injury initiates the repair process of repair and regeneration and that this is largely based on the energy available to facilitate the repair. Regeneration is possible through cellular semi-conduction passing information along chains of protein molecules in connective tissue, bone, and blood vessels.

Wearing a Crystal Current bracelet on the wrist, aligns the current on top of an Acupuncture point. Chinese Acupuncturists explain that an acupuncture point is a hole in the skin where qi flows. Qi is composed of yin and yang, positive and negative “life force” or energy - similar to electricity. The current stimulates a change in ion charge to begin the process of bioelectric homeostasis. Applying an external electro-magnetic field on the body provides the energy or initiation of action potential for cellular healing and regeneration.