from $111.10

"The Warrior" was the first Crystal Current bracelet ever created and was originally intended to shield the wearer during any physical activity and add physical strength to the vessel. Many people (even those unattuned to subtle energies) have seen miracles with this bracelet when it comes to the increase of physical strength and transmutation of issues in the body!!

The masculine wears it as an amplification of his physical strength and a protection of his field during any physical activity, as well as the physical representation for his inner warrior ~ the one that protects that which is true and sacred!

The feminine wears it as a physical manifestation of their inner masculine strength and protection. It is meant as the representation of the true "Father" frequency that at all times lovingly protects our essence, shields that which is true with ultimate devotion.

By combining Pyrite (Sulphur), Calcite (Saltpeter), and Shungite (Charcoal) we blend Science and Magick together as one to add an explosive force to every Warrior bracelet! This was information that Alexander received within the past year about the real Science but all three of these gemstones were included in every Warrior bracelet over a decade ago! Come and see the power of the bracelet that started it all! Basically the Ultimate Shield 0.5, The Warrior 1.0 powerhouse!!!

Here are some of the energetic functionalities of the crystals used:

Bronzite - Any negativity sent to you bounces off of your field and is sent back to the original source multiplied in order to be transmuted and healed.

Pyrite - Makes all the surrounding gemstones work like family and connect the electrical current. It is connected to our Solar Plexus and multiplies our awareness of our power. It is also a potent EMF protection.

Shungite - A stone of transmutation and purification that shields from harmful EMF’s as well as transmuting energetic impurities from the field of the wearer. Shungite assists in the purification of the waters within the body and with that grounds us in our truth at a root level.

Aragonite - Another stone connected to our core strength - the Solar Plexus. It has a gentle nurturing energy that connects us to the stability within our being, it assists in the authentic cultivation of patience, reliability, responsibility and devotion through discipline. Said to be the best stone for increasing physical strength.

 Citrine - Over a decade ago Citrine was the piezoelectric inductor chosen to ensure amplified and stabilized electrical current in the magnetic energy tool known as the Warrior 1.0. Citrine deeply connects us to our Solar Plexus, our power and core confidence in our divine essence. It connects us to our abundant nature and amplifies what is positive and life-giving in our field.

Jet - This stone is an organic rock created when pieces of wood material are buried, compacted and then go through an organic degradation. Jet deeply effects the root chakra, which helps us ground into the truth of Gaia. With grounding us into nature's truth it will allow us to disrupt artificial thought patterns, programming, emotional loops. It connects us to our true vision, goals and helps us to stay disciplined and deeply connected to our highest potentiality.

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"The Warrior" was the first Crystal Current bracelet ever created and was originally intended to shield the wearer during any physical activity and add physical strength to the vessel. Many people (even those unattuned to subtle energies) have seen miracles with this bracelet when it comes to the increase of physical strength and transmutation of issues in the body!!

The masculine wears it as an amplification of his physical strength and a protection of his field during any physical activity, as well as the physical representation for his inner warrior ~ the one that protects that which is true and sacred!

The feminine wears it as a physical manifestation of their inner masculine strength and protection. It is meant as the representation of the true "Father" frequency that at all times lovingly protects our essence, shields that which is true with ultimate devotion.

By combining Pyrite (Sulphur), Calcite (Saltpeter), and Shungite (Charcoal) we blend Science and Magick together as one to add an explosive force to every Warrior bracelet! This was information that Alexander received within the past year about the real Science but all three of these gemstones were included in every Warrior bracelet over a decade ago! Come and see the power of the bracelet that started it all! Basically the Ultimate Shield 0.5, The Warrior 1.0 powerhouse!!!

Here are some of the energetic functionalities of the crystals used:

Bronzite - Any negativity sent to you bounces off of your field and is sent back to the original source multiplied in order to be transmuted and healed.

Pyrite - Makes all the surrounding gemstones work like family and connect the electrical current. It is connected to our Solar Plexus and multiplies our awareness of our power. It is also a potent EMF protection.

Shungite - A stone of transmutation and purification that shields from harmful EMF’s as well as transmuting energetic impurities from the field of the wearer. Shungite assists in the purification of the waters within the body and with that grounds us in our truth at a root level.

Aragonite - Another stone connected to our core strength - the Solar Plexus. It has a gentle nurturing energy that connects us to the stability within our being, it assists in the authentic cultivation of patience, reliability, responsibility and devotion through discipline. Said to be the best stone for increasing physical strength.

 Citrine - Over a decade ago Citrine was the piezoelectric inductor chosen to ensure amplified and stabilized electrical current in the magnetic energy tool known as the Warrior 1.0. Citrine deeply connects us to our Solar Plexus, our power and core confidence in our divine essence. It connects us to our abundant nature and amplifies what is positive and life-giving in our field.

Jet - This stone is an organic rock created when pieces of wood material are buried, compacted and then go through an organic degradation. Jet deeply effects the root chakra, which helps us ground into the truth of Gaia. With grounding us into nature's truth it will allow us to disrupt artificial thought patterns, programming, emotional loops. It connects us to our true vision, goals and helps us to stay disciplined and deeply connected to our highest potentiality.

OOPS ALL SKULLS 2.0 (Blacked Out Edition)
Ultimate Shield 3.0
from $111.00
from $133.30