
Alexander pulled this download down from the highest levels of divinity for assisting in humanities ascension process. This energy tool was created to align the divine trinity of the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, and Divine Inner Child while activating and healing past life Chakras while clearing and aligning them throughout all 7 bodies of the self. Welcome to the one stop shop for transmutation and healing for all Starseed aspects throughout time and space. For the I AM that I AM that WE ARE!

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Alexander pulled this download down from the highest levels of divinity for assisting in humanities ascension process. This energy tool was created to align the divine trinity of the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, and Divine Inner Child while activating and healing past life Chakras while clearing and aligning them throughout all 7 bodies of the self. Welcome to the one stop shop for transmutation and healing for all Starseed aspects throughout time and space. For the I AM that I AM that WE ARE!

  • Silver Obsidian Meteorite - One of the greatest gemstone assistants for parts work and balancing misunderstood aspects of the self throughout time and space. Opens a window to the highest benevolent aspects of the soul to progress spiritual evolution.

  • Black Kyanite - Self discovery and multidimensionally shields from harmful energies without needing regular clearing. Dissolves any and all Chakra blockages within the 7 bodies while leveling up the wearers vibration.

  • Shungite - Purification of the water of the bodies while absorbing harmful EMF's from 5G, microwaves, wifi, cell phones, etc.

  • Golden Obsidian - Prevents others from projecting their agenda upon us. This assists in keeping the highest orders of multidimensional divinity grounded in the 7 bodies.

  • Black Moonstone - Balances the Causal vortex of the perenium to balance clear and activate past life Chakras. By far the most powerful crystal for connection with the Divine Feminine.

  • Tuxedo Agate - Cleanses and stabilizes auric field, while transmutating any and all unworthiness into the highest orders of purity in divinity.

  • Titanium Neodymium Magnets - A Crystal Current exclusive. The worlds most powerful magnets set inside of Titanium. Titanium is believed to activate all Chakra while accessing the angelic diamond heart matrix of divinity in benevolence.

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